Welcome to Aldersgate
in Wichita
We are glad you stopped by. We would love to meet you.
Sunday Morning Worship
Traditional Worship | 8 & 11 a.m.
Contemporary Worship | 9:30 a.m.
Online Worship | 9:30 & 11 a.m.
Connecting Life in Faith

Aldersgate has Sunday school classes, weekly programs, and special events for children of all ages.

Aldersgate’s youth ministry is designed to provide a safe environment with spiritual support for youth (6th – 12th grade), providing a variety of ways to give youth a chance to learn, grow, and make friends. It is our hope that the youth will have a better sense of God’s will for them.

Young Adults
The Young Adult ministry here at Aldersgate is an exciting new ministry that seeks to provide a place for young adults to connect, by building relationships with one another and with God.

The mission of Adult Christian Education is to promote and support programs and events that will nuture individual spiritual growth and encourage fellowship for adult members and friends of Aldersgate while on their Christian journey.
Serving in Mission

Aldersgate United Methodist Church
7901 West 21st Street North Wichita KS 67205-1741
Phone: 316-722-8504 | Fax: 316-722-8509
Look for us on the south side of West 21st Street North, between Ridge and Tyler. Turn south on Woodchuck to enter the parking lot at the second driveway. There are visitor and handicap parking spaces at the north end of the parking lot near the entrance. The Sanctuary entrance is near the statue of the eagle in the northeast, and the entrance to Fellowship Hall is straight north. The office doors are in the east wing.
Monday-Thursday: 9 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
If you need to reach a pastor during non-business hours, call the church number (316-722-8504), press 3, then leave your message and a pastor will be notified.
If you change any of your contact information, please notify the
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