
We are glad you stopped by. Whether you are new to Wichita or looking for a place to worship and grow in your faith, we invite you to take a look around. Wherever you are on your journey, we will meet you there and nurture you in your growth.

Below you will find a few places to get started.


In order to allow each of us to encounter the presence of God in our lives, Aldersgate offers different ways to worship. You will find a traditional type of worship at 8 & 11 a.m., and a contemporary worship at 9:30 a.m.

A Message for You

If you are looking for a church home or have given up on the church for any reason, give Aldersgate a visit. It is an exciting, growing congregation that maintains close, vital relationships.

What We Believe

A look at our core beliefs and our vision as a church.

Where Do I Start?

Well, it’s pretty simple. First, come worship with us, take a class, talk with some of the people and see what you think. Then join us at a New Member and Guest Orientation class. We have one the first Sunday of every month.

Exploring Member ship

Am I ready to join? How do I join? What’s expected? Get these answers and more by continuing to our Exploring Membership page.

How Do I Get Involved?

Q. When is communion served? Can I participate even though I am not a member of the church?

Holy Communion is open to all of God’s children. It is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. At Aldersgate, we practice communion by intinction, where you come forward and dip the bread you are given into a community cup offered by the communion server.

Q. Where is the nursery?

The infant nursery is located on the east side (right as you are facing the sanctuary) of the sanctuary lobby. The toddler nurseries are located down the hall near the infant nursery on the right hand side.

Q. Are babies/children allowed in the sanctuary?

Children are welcome to attend worship with you. Those with small children may choose (but are not required) to sit in the last pew, which is reserved for visitors and those with special needs. There is also a cry room which can be accessed from a door to the left of the sanctuary doors as you exit the sanctuary. Nursing mothers will have screens available.

Q. Where are the bathrooms?

The bathrooms closest to the sanctuary lobby are to the north and west (left as you enter the church) of the entryway. There is also a drinking fountain there.

Q. Do you have hearing assistance devices?

These items are near the center rear doors of the sanctuary. Ask an usher for assistance.

Q. Where are the Sunday school classes?

The children’s education wing is in the hallway to the west (left as you enter the church). Check-in is in front of Fellowship Hall. Most adult Sunday school classes are in the basement; the stairs are down the east hallway on the left side. Someone at the Welcome Center can help you find an appropriate class.

Q. What and where is the “narthex”?

Narthex is a term for a church lobby, and refers to the area just outside of the sanctuary.

Q. Where do I put my mission or other donations?

There are wicker collection baskets under the bulletin board by the St. Francis of Assisi window.

Q. Where is the coffee?

There is coffee in the lobby between 9 and 9:30 a.m., and from 10:30-11 a.m. we have coffee fellowship in Fellowship Hall.

Q. How do I get a name tag?

The name tags are located in the sanctuary lobby, across from the entryway. On the tables holding the nametags, there are clipboards. Please sign up on the clipboard to have a nametag made for you.

Q. Where is the lost and found?

There is a blue tub with lost and found items in the north coat room, which is just off the church lobby, to the west of the bathrooms. Sometimes, items like purses and cameras are stored in a secure location; please check with the Welcome Center. If you can’t find a lost item, please leave contact information at the Welcome Center.

Q. Does the church have a library?

The Aldersgate library is housed in two locations:

  • Children’s materials, DVD’s and other media, and Adult Fiction and Non-fiction are in the office area.
  • Reference items (including hymnals, atlases, Bibles, and historical materials) and the United Women of Faith’s collection are in the Conference room.

Check-out boxes and return containers are located in both of these areas for your convenience when checking out these materials. To check out a book, write your name and phone number on the check-out card attached to the item, then place it in the box provided. In addition, Kindles for adults and Samsung color tablets for children are available from Haley in the office during office hours.

All 66 books of the Bible, in a set of 50 disks of the Old Testament and 16 of the New Testament, narrated by Max McLean, are also available on The Listener’s Bible Audio in the library.

Please feel free to call the church at 316-722-8504 or use our Contact form to ask us a question.

Aldersgate UMC's Mobile App

Aldersgate has a mobile app for your smartphone and tablet, where you have access to notifications, sermons, the daily devotional, and more. Use the buttons below while you are on a mobile device to find The Sharefaith App in the Apple App Store or on Google Play. After downloading it, search for Aldersgate UMC-WICHITA in the settings. To easily recognize the app on your device, choose our “Jesus Window” logo.

Aldersgate UMC Church Directory

Aldersgate’s Church Directory (for members and constituents only) is now online. You can access it through the menu link under About Us, or by using a free mobile app for your smart phone. You will need to use the email address listed in our directory to create a log-in the first time you use it. Please contact the Directory Administrator at directory@aldersgatechurch.org if you are not listed, need help, or have any questions.

Security is always a concern. Your account is protected by a username and password that only you should know. Search engines do not crawl any of the directory data located within the password‐protected portion. Only active members and constituents of Aldersgate UMC have access to our directory information.

Use the buttons below to find the Instant Church Directory App in the Apple App Store or on Google Play.

Privacy Statement

Welcome to the Aldersgate United Methodist Church website. We value your privacy, and encourage you to review our Web Privacy Policy. If you have any questions, please contact our church administrator at admin@aldersgatechurch.org.

This website may provide links to other sites or documents on the World Wide Web. Aldersgate United Methodist Church has no control over and is not responsible for the content and availability of those sites and documents. Please report any broken or inappropriate links to the web administrator at webmaster@aldersgatechurch.org.

Aldersgate United Methodist Church may require personal information such as name, address, phone number, or email address from you if you register for an activity. The information thus collected will not be published or distributed, and will be used only in conjunction with the activity for which it was collected. You are always in control of initiating these requests, which are sent via email to specific individuals.

Aldersgate United Methodist Church may provide for electronic funds transfer for payments or donations over a secure connection. The information thus collected will be used only in conjunction with the recording of those payments or donations.

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